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 "... I no longer dread rainy or humid days that used to make my hair frizzy and unmanageable. It is always straight and beautiful with a minimum of care. ..."
- Sue Ann Rose

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City Cut is in the News

City Cut was interviewed by local newspapers for our amazing hair straightening service known as Thermal Reconditioning or Japanese Hair Straightening. Here we have 3 pictures of them and a short quote.

We are on the Columbus Dispatch for our hair straightening service

 "...Nervousness aside, Kessler spent a recent day at City Cut, ready to trade in her curls for the straight, sleek look, Six hours later, she emerged with stick-straight hair.

"'It took forever, and it's awesome,' she said. 'It is just incredible.'"

- Columbus Dispatch on December 7, 2003


 We are on the Ohio Jewish Chronicle for our hair straightening service

 The Ohio Jewish Chronicle on April 24, 2003


We are on the Columbus Chinese American News for our hair straightening service

Ohio Chinese American News

Important links related to this page:

Hair Straightening
Hair Design Awards
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Thermal Reconditioning
Hair Straightening Facts
Newspaper Interviews
Questions & Answers
Before & After
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Testimonial Page 2
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